Moving beyond the 12 Steps for addiction recovery

Talk Recovery Radio

Talk Recovery Radio airs every Thursday on 100.5 fm in Vancouver from 12 pm to 1 pm, hundreds of shows over 6 years.  Bringing addiction recovery issues to the airways. Powered by Last Door Recovery Society

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Guest 1

Many Roads One Journey: Moving Beyond the 12 Steps

Alternative to 12 stepsThis week on Talk Recovery Radio join Author Charlotte Kasl and hear her story.  Charlotte Kasl has an M.A. in Piano from The University of Michigan, and a Ph.D. in Counseling from Ohio University in 1982. She was a Licensed Psychologist in Minnesota for 15 years and is currently a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in Montana.

Many Roads, One Journey; Moving Beyond the 12 Steps, paves the way for a new and broader understanding of recovery that involves both personal and social awareness. It empowers individuals to find their own voice and their own sources of strength and spirituality to guide their healing. Combining careful analysis, moving stories, and Dr. Kasl’s own flexible 16 steps for empowerment.

Addiction and the brain

Charlotte talks about the growing research on the plasticity of the brain and our ability to change long standing patterns throughout the lifespan to overcome addiction. There’s a lot of brain chemistry involved in addiction due to trauma, abuse, poverty, violence. We know a lot that the brain is very much affected by early childhood events.

Depression is also generally high with people who have substance abuse. It’s documented in research that depression is biochemical to the brain as well as emotional. And you can do all kinds of talk therapy and so forth to recover, but it’s very much physiological. And if we don’t address that and help people understand, people will not recover from addiction

The 16 steps are for empowerment that helps the brain heal.

More about her book can be found here

Buy her book her 

Guest 2

Personal Story of addiction recovery

Kimberlea Masters joins us for the 2nd half of the show to talk about her story of recovery from addiction.

Through recovery she has transformed her life, she has become an advocate for women in similar circumstances and a voice trying to end the stigma associated with recovering from addiction. She speaks publicly across Canada about recovery and domestic violence and has started a sobriety based clothing line for which she has been nominated for Momprenuer Start-Up of the year it is her mission to recover loudly to shine light on those living in the darkness so she may be the girl she needed to see all those years ago.

This is Kimberlea’s first go at recovery and it stuck with her for the first time. She talks how her early addiction recovery journey was much more difficult than her life today in recovery.

In addiction she had a couple of traumatic things happen to her in her childhood. She moved to BC from Nova Scotia. She had a 12 year marriage fall apart and that partner was an alcoholic addict. And he was court ordered to treatment. She thought it would be good for him and so she went to 12 step meetings with him, from there, she heard her story and decided to recovery herself.

R E C V R D apparel

She started a business of recovery clothing selling recovery slogan clothing. Recovering out loud.

Recovery and Anonymity

Lots of people question her about her anonymity and clothing line, but she doesn’t run around saying which 12 step program she is involved in. She is in recovery from addiction and she think it’s very important to tell people that you can recover because people need to hear that. If they’re sitting in the darkness like she was and they didn’t know that, there’s another way.

Archive of all shows can be found here

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Talk Recovery airs live every Thursday at noon on 100.5 FM, Vancouver Coop Radio. The Last Door produces this weekly radio show discussing the many pathways to addiction recovery. To end stigma we must continue to talk about recovery. Talk Recovery is in its 7th Season, Hundreds of guests, thousands of listeners, thank you. Show ideas? Email

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