Considering treatment for your substance use? Not ready to commit to a longer term program? We can help you with our intro to recovery program.
Someone I Know Needs Addiction Treatment
Deciding what the right treatment program can be difficult, especially when the loved one or employee isn’t stable and is challenged in terms of decision making capacity. The first step is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the individual’s physical, mental, and emotional health. This allows healthcare professionals to determine which addiction treatment program will be most successful. An intro program helps the person stabilize so he can consider his long term goals after a few days of eating, sleeping, and medication in our “Intro to Recovery” program. our 10-Day Addiction Treatment Intro to Recovery program is a great place to start.
Addiction Treatment For Myself
Considering addiction treatment is daunting, you know something needs to change and you think we know what, but for some reason you just can‘t commit to long term programs. First and foremost, it’s important to realize that there’s no one–size–fits–all approach to addiction treatment. Everyone‘s individual needs are different, and the best course of action will depend on your particular situation. Some people may find that a long term program works for them while others may benefit more from shorter options. It can be helpful to speak with our addiction specialists who can help you determine which path would be best for you based on your unique circumstance.
Taking time out of our lives to get well is not always an easy choice. After 35 years of providing treatment services we found “time commitment” is a barrier to considering treatment. Our “Intro to Recovery” program helps you make that decision without having the stress of a long term commitment.
10-Day Intro To Recovery Addiction Treatment Overview
- Physician Assessment.
- Medication Assessment and Stabilization.
- Nurse Assessment.
- Addiction Counsellor Assessment.
- Recovery Coach Assessment.
- Group Therapy Participation.
- Intro to Written Recovery Assignments.
- Relapse Prevention Support.
- Withdrawal program may be required*
Last Door’s 10-Day Intro to Recovery is a licensed and accredited addiction treatment program with options to transition into longer term programs. The fee for the 10-Day Intro to Recovery program is $500 per day for 10 days. There are also options for personalized ongoing care with a Recovery Coach post treatment in the intro program.
Last Door’s team is available to introduce a person to addiction recovery and assist them into making good healthy choices. The medically led ten-day inpatient intro program provides stabilization through basics of eating and sleeping well, and connecting with people to leverage the power of one addict helping another in our Social Model based program.
We recommend and can provide withdrawal management prior to our 10-day Intro to Addiction Treatment to maximize the individual’s capacity to experience treatment, as treatment can’t fully start until after detox and withdrawal management are addressed.
Scott’s Story
What to Expect
Clients will interact with an the existing, vibrant recovery community. They will receive a medical assessment and stabilization by a certified Addiction Specialist Physician, as needed. They will be encouraged to attend individual therapy, group counseling, drug and alcohol educational groups, and a community mutual-aid program.
Clients will be provided written assignments, to support their recovery journey and begin the self-reflection necessary for healthier decision making and coping skills. Our program encourages family involvement and provides additional family therapy options and support.
Upon completion of 10 Day Intro clients can choose to continue treatment or follow their identified discharge plan. The plan is created by them and their case worker and may include options for online counselling, weekly recovery coaching, or participation in a monitoring program for the client who may be returning home to family and employment.
Contact our addiction treatment access team today to see if you qualify for our 10-day Intro to Addiction Treatment Recovery Program.
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"New Westminster is probably the most important thing in my life right now, it’s the best recovery community, in my opinion for me, it’s a perfect fit to go to a meeting and see hundreds of familiar faces and a buinch of people greet me and hug me, it gives me purpose in my life