Horticultural Therapy and Addiction Treatment
Addiction Recovery StoriesHorticultural Therapy supports Addiction and Mental Health Issues
$25,000 worth of organic produce was grown in 2019, thank you to all our volunteers. Organic gardens, fruit orchards and greenhouse space provide a farm to table sustainable menu for Last Door Client meals and horticultural therapy for addiction treatment.
Last Door Recovery Society’s Keystone Retreat Facility is a farm property in Mission BC. The intended use of this property is to add an organic portion to Last Door’s Addiction Recovery programming by introducing Horticultural Therapy. A secondary but equally important use for this property is growing food sustainably for our clients while using the process for experiential learning and therapeutic activities for our clients.
Last Door’s Urban Faciltiy, where clients spend part of their treatment program amist beautiful pristine BC Forrest, 10,000 square feet of gardens, 50+ acres and surround hiking trails. Recover from addiction in this beautiful setting
The Keystone Food Sustainability means Last Door will grow its own sustainable grown local produce in its our own garden. This produce that will supplement or replace industrial food products formerly used in approximately 58,400 meals per year.
Keystone Gardens highlights
- 20 x 20 foot greenhouse
- 80 foot x 66 foot (5280 square feet) outdoor garden, soon expanding to over 10,000 square feet
- Estimated yield of 80 to 100 Lbs of produce per 100 square feet of garden.
- An orchard of various fruits
Last Door Recovery Society has a long history of developing and implementing innovative projects. In 2013 Last Door conducted a pilot garden project at Last Door Youth Program to create a sustainable urban garden. Another aspect of the garden were deck and roof top gardens cultivated at the Last Door Recovery Centre adult program. This youth-lead initiative involved 30 youth, 5 staff members, three adult clients and one Masters of Horticulture student who supervised the development and maintenance of the on-site urban gardens for a year. This pilot project supplemented food served in our programs over the course of that year. Thank you to the Last Door Youth Program for inspiring the movement towards this larger scale initiative to better meet the food needs of our organization and other non-profit organizations.
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100% organic gardens at our Keystone Retreat Facility are amazing … steps to having a more sustainable and nutritious menu for our clients. Nature has long been known for its relaxing qualities, as a place for clients to find tranquility and healing. Gardening in particular is associated with mental clarity and feelings of reward, and it has many physical benefits as well. From soil preparation to the joy of harvesting, there is always a task, big or small, during the growing season! we’re looking forward to a fresh crop of garlic, onions, potatoes, char, peas, beets, wax beans, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, oak leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, kale, strawberries, parsley, celery, corn, sunflower, zucchini, cucumber, egg plant, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, goji berries, raspberries and 11 variety of herbs.
Thank you to all the staff, clients, and volunteers who have spent time in the gardens and thank you to all our supporters.
Meal time at Last Door never tasted so good,
The Seeds of Recovery have been planted ……
Last Door’s Family Enhancement 4 Day Retreat is held at Keystone, please call 1-888-525-9771 for more details.