Weekly Youth Alumni Group allows clients to support each other long term. Access to Alumni Group is for life at no charge.
Why is there a Youth Group?
There’s unique challenges youth face in recovery from addiction, and it can be difficult to navigate how to sustain recovery. One of the biggest challenges youth face is the lack of support and understanding from friends, family, and other adults. It can be hard for them to find a safe and understanding environment to talk openly about their experiences and to connect with others who are in recovery. Additionally, because of the stigma and lack of education around addiction, many youth may feel ashamed and embarrassed to discuss their recovery. They may feel overwhelmed by the demands of school, work, and other activities, which makes it difficult to find the time and energy to sustain recovery. In short, there are specific factors that youth face that require peer support and facilitator directed discussions that may not be relatable to alumni over 30.
What is Youth Alumni Group?
Youth Alumni Group is a weekly youth addiction recovery group for clients aged 13-25. We’ve centered the group around a combination of practical, didactic group modules, and process groups designed to provide essential skills necessary to maintain and sustain recovery.
Common themes are:
- Developing and maintaining a peer support group
- Financial stability
- Maintaining responsibilities
- Maintaining abstinence from substances including nicotine
- Addressing emerging post treatment issues
- Support in finding work or going back to school
- Family relationships
- Dating in recovery
- Process Addictions: Sex, Videogames, Social Media, Working Out, Overeating
- Finding housing
Outcomes from this group are:
- Reduced recidivism
- Increased satisfaction in relevant life-areas
- Improved interpersonal connections
- Increased supports
Youth Alumni Group is offered to Last Door clients within the age range as they near completion of primary treatment. For our adult alumni there is the Adult Alumni Group. Services are offered on an ongoing basis. There is no charge to clients who have completed primary treatment to continue accessing services while living in the community.
Building Community
We think it’s important to build an inclusive community that is open and welcoming to all, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability. Youth Alumni Group provides a safe and supportive place for youth to build connections with each other and share their experiences, strength, and hope. Learning from others in the community is an invaluable resource in their recovery journeys. Last Door and the New Westminster community fosters a sense of belonging and identity that’s essential in sustaining healthy recovery, not only for our youth clientele but anyone in recovery.
If you or a loved one is suffering from addiction please reach out. Contact us today to learn how we can help.
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"New Westminster is probably the most important thing in my life right now, it’s the best recovery community, in my opinion for me, it’s a perfect fit to go to a meeting and see hundreds of familiar faces and a buinch of people greet me and hug me, it gives me purpose in my life