For Individuals Seeking Help with Addiction Treatment

addiction treatment and drug and alcohol rehab

Asking for help is a phone call away, we can help you make a decision on what the right treatment plan is for you.  People from across North America have accessed addiction treatment services at Last Door.

Addiction Resources

Last Door Treatment Program

Last Door Recovery Society, offers a holistic approach to treating addiction in both youth and adults with our Social Model based program. For individuals seeking help with addiction treatment it can be a difficult process to find help. Addiction is a disease that affects individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Our treatment is designed to meet the individual needs of each person seeking recovery from their addictive behaviors

Our program offers several benefits that can lead to successful recovery and longterm sobriety. One major benefit offered by The Last Door Recovery Society is the personalized attention individuals receive throughout their journey towards healthier living. We understand that every persons path towards recovery looks different, so we provide tailored support based on each individuals unique circumstances. Last Door’s 35-year history of providing evidence-based treatment services from a professional staff will give you the best opportunity on your recovery journey. Our staff  includes experienced counselors, therapists, medical professionals and other service providers who help people overcome substance abuse issues as well as mental health challenges such as depression or anxiety disorders that may be cooccurring with addiction.

Social Model Program

The Last Door follows a Social Model program based on 12Step principles which focuses on creating an environment of mutual respect among peers so everyone can benefit from the experience of shared wisdom. Peer supports are integral components for long term recovery success. As such, you’ll have access to not just professional care but also an entire community dedicated towards helping you create healthier lifestyles free from addiction.

Youth and Adult Treatment Options

We also have comprehensive programs for both youth and adult clients which are specifically designed for those age groups specific needs when it comes to dealing with addiction issues. For example, our Youth Addiction Treatment Program focuses on addressing underlying causes of substance use while working closely with families so they can learn how best to support their loved one through this challenging process of healing from within. Similarly, our Adult Addiction Treatment Program provides structured programming including group therapy sessions along with relapse prevention strategies customized for adults who struggle with addiction.

Last Door Recovery Society believes in empowering clients to take ownership over their own personal recovery journeys by providing them opportunities for growth at every stage. This ensures lasting success when it comes to tackling addiction or compulsive behaviours.  If you‘re looking for quality care services aimed at getting your sober lifestyle started then contact us today.

Become Part of the Community

Addiction treatment at Last Door Recovery Society provides countless benefits for youths and adults seeking help overcoming substance abuse disorders. You’ll gain valuable insight into self-management skills while growing emotionally stronger thanks to experienced counselors and peer supports.  You’ll also develop meaningful connections with peers sharing similar struggles in Canada’s most vibrant and diverse recovery community.

Being part of a community in addiction recovery is one of the most powerful and important things that anyone can do to support their journey toward sobriety. Having a supportive circle of friends, family members, peers, counselors, sponsors, and healthcare providers who understand your struggles and are there to offer encouragement and guidance throughout your recovery process can be invaluable.

Brendan’s Addiction Recovery Story

Here’s Brendan’s story, he is a healthy, loving father with over a decade of long term recovery. 

Fun in Recovery

Having fun in recovery is an important part of the process. While it may seem like a minor detail, having fun can help to make lasting changes that are necessary for sustained recovery from addiction. Fun activities provide positive reinforcement for their hard work in overcoming addiction.

One way to have fun while in addiction recovery is by participating in recreational activities such as sports or outdoor adventures with friends or family who also support your sobriety goals. This encourages physical activity, which has been proven to reduce stress levels and improve overall mental health and wellbeing. Exercise releases endorphins which naturally relieve tension. Additionally, engaging in enjoyable pursuits will give recovering addicts something else on which they can focus rather than relying solely on willpower. This helps increase motivation throughout the treatment process as well as decrease potential relapse risks later down the line after treatment ends.

Take a look at what fun in recovery looks like for clients at Last Door.

Keep Reading


“It was important to do long term treatment because I got to establish social skills and other skills that related to, getting clean and being back in a community and getting job skills and using those things to intergrade back into a community.”

Austin H

addiction treatment and drug and alcohol rehab

Get in touch today or call our recovery helpline

+1-855-971-0486 ( 7AM to 11PM )
