Families stay informed during their loved ones addiction treatment program
Any reputable treatment facility will assess clients’ recovery capital at intake and throughout the treatment process. Family is one of the four types of recovery capital (physical, human, family/social and community) that impact clients’ long term success. Case management at Last Door assesses family circumstance and uses that information to formulate a treatment plan that promotes healing of the family unit(s). Modern family systems are often more complex and varied than those of the past, requiring variety of services and therapeutic approaches. At Last Door’s community or social model approach provides case management services that strive to include family in information gathering, collateral decision making, group and individual counselling, treatment planning and transition planning. Case Manager’s goal is that family members are informed, their input is utilized and they are included in the recovery process. Case Management with family strives to support the family unity in its many forms.
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“Treatment gave me a sense of connection while I lived at Last Door as a client and even when I left as an alumni.”