September Addiction Recovery Newsletter

addiction treatment and drug and alcohol rehab

September Addiction Recovery Newsletter

Thank you for reading our newsletter, keeping you informed of the latest addiction recovery news.

Last Door’s Addiction Recovery Newsletter is a great resource for those seeking to overcome addiction and lead healthier lives. It provides guidance, support, and encouragement through , inspirational stories, interviews with experts in the field of addiction recovery. The newsletter also features regular updates from Last Doors team of passionate professionals who are dedicated to helping people find lasting success in their recoveries. Whether youre struggling with an alcohol or drug problem or just want help managing everyday stressors better. Our free newsletter provides valuable insight into making positive changes for a healthier lifestyle.

Alumni of the Month

Before coming to the Last Door my life was an incomplete and utter ruin. I couldn’t hold a job for more than a couple months, I was no longer invited to any family functions, my Parents were screening my calls and my wife was ready to have me leave. I hated myself, to say the least, and had almost given up on life. My addiction had made my life unmanageable, but I could not admit to myself that I was powerless over my addiction. Finding recovery from my addiction seemed like an impossible task at the time..

Read the full story here

Over 1,100 people have registered for the 4th Annual Recovery Capital Conference – thank you.

The Recovery Capital Conference in Calgary Alberta focuses on the promotion of recoveryoriented systems of care. The conference provides a platform for individuals, practitioners, policy makers and researchers to come together to discuss best practices for promoting longterm recovery from addiction. Attendees have the opportunity to network with other professionals in their field, learn about innovative approaches to providing services and supports, and gain valuable skills related to delivering evidencebased practice models. This years focus was on how providers can create better systems of care that are more effective in achieving lasting sobriety.

You can learn more and register for this year’s conference by clicking the link below.

Recovery Capital Conference - Addiction Recovery Newsletter

Watch Recovery Day Free Live Stream

Find out more about our upcoming Recovery Day celebrations for this year by clicking the link below.

Recovery Day BC 2020 - Macklemore addiction recovery newsletter

September is Recovery Month in Canada

Recovery Month Logo

Recovery Awareness Month Canada is an annual event to celebrate and promote the importance of recovery from substance use issues. The goal of Recovery Awareness Month is to reduce stigma by highlighting the fact that people can recover from addiction with help from supportive networks like treatment providers and peer supports. Finally, it serves as a reminder that all Canadians have the right to health care services regardless of their current state or personal situation.

Learn more about how you can become part of events happening in cities across Canada.

Get in touch today or call our recovery helpline

+1-855-971-0486 ( 7AM to 11PM )
