Addiction Recovery in Ontario and Neurobiology in Addiction Treatment
Talk Recovery RadioREPLAY THE SHOW
In this episode of Talk Recovery Radio:
Talk Recovery airs live every Thursday from noon to 1 PM PST on Facebook Live and 100.5 FM Vancouver CFRO. To watch current live shows, visit
Guest 1: Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, the Honourable Michael Tibollo
From the Frontlines to the Legislature
An inside look at the challenges the government faces when tackling addiction.
Driven by his experiences in the trenches of addiction recovery with the Caritas School of Life Therapeutic Community, Michael A. Tibollo felt like the government could do better. But instead of just voting, or writing to his local MP, he took things one step further and joined the government and took it upon himself to create change.
Since then, he’s made major progress, forming Ontario’s Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions. Things haven’t always been easy – there were tough conversations, along with stigmas and perceptions that needed to be changed – but the province has come out better for it, adopting new approaches and policies that deliver better service to the people who need it.
Today, as the Vaughan-Woodbridge MPP, Michael continues to serve in the Legislative Assembly, guiding the province’s laws around mental health and addiction so that they do a better job of supporting individuals and communities that have been touched by addiction.
How the government is creating real, powerful ways to support long-term addiction recovery?
In the first half of this episode, we’re joined by Ontario’s Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, the Honourable Michael Tibollo. With him, we explore his approach to Ontario’s battle against addiction.
Is addiction genetic?
Rounding out the second half of the show, one of the world’s leading addiction researchers, Dr. Carlton Erickson, shares insights from the frontier of science’s latest explorations into the “why” and “how” of addiction.
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Guest 2: Dr. Carlton Erickson
Talking to the Man Behind “The Science of Addiction”
We catch up with the runner-up winner of the Hamilton Book Author Award to talk about his book and the neurobiology behind addiction.
Neuroscience is clarifying the causes of compulsive alcohol and drug use––while also shedding light on what addiction is, what it isn’t, and how it can best be treated––in exciting and innovative ways. Current neurobiological research complements and enhances the approaches to addiction traditionally taken in social work and psychology. However, this important research is generally not presented in a forthright, jargon-free way that clearly illustrates its relevance to addiction professionals.
The Science of Addiction presents a comprehensive overview of the roles that brain function and genetics play in addiction. It explains in an easy-to-understand way changes in the terminology and characterization of addiction that are emerging based upon new neurobiological research. The author goes on to describe the neuroanatomy and function of brain reward sites, and the genetics of alcohol and other drug dependence. Chapters on the basic pharmacology of stimulants and depressants, alcohol, and other drugs illustrate the specific and unique ways in which the brain and the central nervous system interact with, and are affected by, each of these substances.
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Talk Recovery airs live every Thursday at noon on 100.5 FM, Vancouver Coop Radio. The Last Door produces this weekly radio show discussing the many pathways to addiction recovery. To end stigma we must continue to talk about recovery. Talk Recovery is in its 7th Season, Hundreds of guests, thousands of listeners, thank you. Show ideas? Email
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