Becoming Unstoppable

Talk Recovery Radio

Talk Recovery Radio airs every Thursday on 100.5 fm in Vancouver from 12 pm to 1 pm, hundreds of shows over 6 years.  Bringing addiction recovery issues to the airways. Powered by Last Door Recovery Society

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Guest 1

Twitches, tics, wild gestures and grunts!

Motivational Speaker and Author Stuart Ellis-Myers joins us on Talk Recovery this Thursday at noon on 100.5 fm.

How does someone living with the rare neurological Tourettes Syndrome become a business mastery success and inspirational keynote speaker? By becoming Unstoppable.

addiction treatment, UnstoppableWhat would you do if, out of the blue, your life turned upside down? What if you went from being a happy and healthy normal child, and then suddenly became an anxious, depressed, twitchy mess of devastating proportion? This is exactly what happened to Stuart Ellis-Myers. At the age of eight, Stuart began to develop one of the most misunderstood neurological disorders of our time . . . Tourettes Syndrome. Faced with the prospect of a lifetime of disability, frustration, isolation, and shame – the typical reaction to this tragic condition – Stuart instead chose to share how everyone can experience a remarkable and Unstoppable life.

One of the most gifted and inspiring public speakers on the conference circuit today. Stuart has used the life lessons learned through years of battling this often emotionally crippling condition to help countless others to overcome their own challenges and fears. His insight and humanity have enabled him to share his own, often painful, experiences in such a way as to offer a real, usable, methodology for overcoming the many pitfalls of modern life. The countless physical and psychological manifestations of our high stress lives are made clearer to understand and easier to bear through his simple and effective system of Unstoppable & Mental Health to Mental Wealth change. By chronicling his journey in the pages of his books and presentations; with both his successes and failures fully exposed, Stuart takes you on a trip through the life of a man held captive but not broken by his mental health condition and yet who found the strength and determination to break free by sharing his Unstoppable message of true and lasting love.

From helping you to face the reality of your current situation; to offering guidance to help you seize the constant opportunities that come our way each and every day; to providing easy to learn and easier to perform exercises to gain control over your fears and doubts. Stuart invites you to join him in creating the foundation for your own mental health to mental wealth UNSTOPPABLE LIFE.

So, if Stuart can overcome the ravages of the rare, incurable and socially bizarre disorder Tourettes Syndrome, and all of the disabling mental health realities that so often accompany it. All the while becoming remarkably successful and published keynote speaker career and his personal life . . . what is holding any of us back from achieving our dreams?

Guest 2

Personal Story of Overcoming Addiction

The 2nd part of the show, hear Janice’s personal story of overcoming addiction.  Hear Janice’s story of recovery, service and struggles. Every Thursday we bring you personal stories of addiction recovery.

Listen and Subscribe

Talk Recovery airs live every Thursday at noon on 100.5 FM, Vancouver Coop Radio. The Last Door produces this weekly radio show discussing the many pathways to addiction recovery. To end stigma we must continue to talk about recovery. Talk Recovery is in its 7th Season, Hundreds of guests, thousands of listeners, thank you. Show ideas? Email

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