Wellness. Balance. Harmony. Addiction. Recovery. Life.
Talk Recovery RadioTalk Recovery Radio airs every Thursday on 100.5 fm in Vancouver from 12 pm to 1 pm, hundreds of shows over 6 years. Bringing addiction recovery issues to the airways. Powered by Last Door Recovery Society
Replay the show:
Guest #1
Wellness. Balance. Harmony.
What does that mean, and how does it work?
For over ten years she studied in Healing Pathway, Quantum Touch and with many mentors she has built on the innate capacity that she sensed in her childhood and youth.
She works with groups and offers personal sessions as well as workshops.
What happens at an energy healing session:
Firstly, an energy healing practitioner will find out what it is you’re actually experiencing and then either on a table or even sitting in a chair, basically just help you do some grounding work. Tapping into that universal energy. For those with addiction or are in addiction treatment, the goal is to ground you so you can start your healing process.
Many people say the opposite of addiction is connection, many people think that is always a connection to people, which is really important to have friends in recovery and have friends support groups. However, the next level of connection can be something bigger than yourself, and people, connection can be to the energy a healing practitioner can introduce you too. The show responds to skeptics of energy healing and more.
Healing Workshops
Learn about here workshop – Resilience: the capacity to manage through life’s obstacles and challenges, and even to thrive.
When our energies are flowing smoothly, all is well. And when all is well, our energies tend to flow well. But stress, injuries, emotional wounds and anxieties can all impact the energy flow. Blocked energy can create pain and more anxiety.
Learn more here www.scatteredsacred.com
Guest #2
Personal Addiction Recovery Story
Chris Burwash is the Executive Director of Into Action Recovery Society and recently celebrated 8 years of recovery. Congrats.
After 8 years of recovery, you would think someone is cured from addiction, we ask Chris why would he still be going to 12 step meeting? For him, recovery has given him such a good life. For him to take that for granted and not act in gratitude and try to help the next person doesn’t jive with him.
Chris has lived experience using drugs in the downtown Eastside of Vancouver. The difference between him and the person still using drugs on the street is he took some action opposite to self, which changed his entire life and started his addiction recovery journey.
Chris’s tips and advice if you’re struggling with addiction and don’t know what to do is find somebody that you trust, everybody should have at least one person. If you have any sort of time in recovery, find that person and ask them if there’s something that you think that I could do and just start taking action that you don’t necessarily believe is going to work and see what happens.
His vision is to provide access to a variety of therapeutic models and deliver a truly authentic personalized treatment program that empowers the client to heal trauma and achieve their recovery goals. Hear Chris’s personal story of overcoming addiction and balancing recovery, work and family.
Into Action offers first and second stage programs with rigorous supportive recovery programming such as morning psycho-educational groups, one on one counseling, support with 12 step work, regular attendance at support group meetings such as AA, NA, SMART recovery and assistance with building a support group. Chris plays a major role in helping people with addictions in the Vancouver Area and adds a value with his professionalism and charismatic personality.
Into Action Executive Director Celebrates 8 years of addiction recovery.
Archive of all shows here www.TalkRecoveryRadio.com
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Talk Recovery airs live every Thursday at noon on 100.5 FM, Vancouver Coop Radio. The Last Door produces this weekly radio show discussing the many pathways to addiction recovery. To end stigma we must continue to talk about recovery. Talk Recovery is in its 7th Season, Hundreds of guests, thousands of listeners, thank you. Show ideas? Email community@lastdoor.org
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