Author of “Sober Curious” and “Sober City” founder
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This week on Talk Recovery Radio we have 2 guests. Talk Recovery Airs live every Thursday noon to 1 pm, Facebook live or 100.5 FM on Co-op Radio.
We speak with Ruby Warrington author of the book “Sober Curious” which takes readers into a world of what your life would look like without alcohol Second half of the show we have Lee-Anne Richardson founder of “Sober City”, a way for sober people in Halifax to find a community to help them stay clean and sober. Join us from noon to 1 pm on 100.5 FM, Vancouver Co-op Radio or on Facebook Live.
Guest 1
Sober Curious
Sober Curious: The Blissful Sleep, Greater Focus, Deep Connection, and Limitless Presence Awaiting Us All On The Other Side of Alcohol
How different would your life be if you stopped drinking on autopilot? If you stopped drinking altogether? The answers to these questions, and so many more, form the central thesis to Sober Curious—the book which has spearheaded a global movement to reevaluate alcohol as our social drug of choice.
Written in Ruby’s nonjudgmental, witty, and warm voice and packed with concrete takeaways and prescriptive advice, Sober Curious demonstrates how alcohol is a weak imitation of the joy, inspiration, confidence, connection, and overall sense of aliveness that can only be generated from within—while offering a tantalizing glimpse of the well-being that awaits when you give up drinking.
Alcohol Recovery Story:
Meet Ruby: Ruby Warrington is the voice behind the term Sober Curious. Author of the 2019 book of the same title, her work has spearheaded a global movement to reevaluate our relationship to alcohol. Other works include Material Girl, Mystical World (2017), The Numinous Astro Deck (June 2019), and the upcoming Sober Curious Reset (Jan 2021). Founder of “Now Age” lifestyle platform The Numinous, and with 20 years’ experience as a lifestyle journalist, Ruby is also a sought-after speaker, book doula, podcaster, and brand consultant, and is known as a true thought leader in the modern wellness space.
Ruby Warrington speaks about being sober curious as she started talking about it back in 2016. She held her first public facing event on the subject of sober curious. Ruby thought that no one is going to understand the concept of being sober curious and she thought that she was the only “normal” drinker who was thinking about addressing their drinking. Ruby said that the first event she put on there were 100 attendees who were interested in sober curious, Ruby then realized that she is not alone in being sober curious.
Ruby talks about the scale of problem drinking and how number 1 on the scale is severe hangovers and how the vast majority of social drinkers have experienced a hangover in their time. Ruby said what constitutes problem drinking in broadening. Ruby doesn’t want people to feel because they have not hit “rock bottom” it doesn’t mean they are still allowed to get help with their drinking. Ruby mentioned that she has seen people who have had similar drinking history as her and have found their way in AA and resonated with the program, support and teachings there.
Guest 2
Sober City
Hi, my name is Lee-Anne and Sober City is my “some day” project finally realized. I got sober March 2, 2014, and I still remember those early days very clearly. I remember the guilt, shame, fear, anxiety, and deep sadness that came along with getting sober and tackling recovery. I built myself a great support system, but I was still lacking in one important element- a sense of community. I felt that if I were to leave my house to socialize, I’d be tempted to drink because virtually everyone I knew drank and almost everywhere I would go had booze culture shoved in my face, making any kind of sober social life seem impossible.
I want to help as many people as I can to know that things don’t have to be that way! There are sober people here in HRM and there are fun things you can do that doesn’t involve getting drunk. Life doesn’t pause or stop when you decide to quit drinking for a month, 6 months, or forever. Life actually gets better- you just have to change your perspective.
Sober City is currently a resource to residents of Halifax and across Nova Scotia who are looking for things to do in the city that do not involve alcohol. Sober city also has a support network within the website and the Sober City Community. Sober City is a great resource to connect with Sober people in Halifax and around Nova Scotia especially.
Leanne shares her story of addiction recovery and how she attended AA meetings when she was new in recovery and she found that when the meeting was over she did not have anyone to talk to because everyone would just leave. She wanted to feel like she had a community to connect with because when she was new she felt alone in recovery and she knew that no one should feel alone.
Leanne started by reaching out to the recovery community by YouTube, it was world wide and she would share her addiction recovery story with sober people across the world. The idea of the YouTube channel was to show that recovery is possible.
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Talk Recovery airs live every Thursday at noon on 100.5 FM, Vancouver Coop Radio. The Last Door produces this weekly radio show discussing the many pathways to addiction recovery. To end stigma we must continue to talk about recovery. Talk Recovery is in its 7th Season, Hundreds of guests, thousands of listeners, thank you. Show ideas? Email
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