Alumni of the Month Chris W
Alumni of the MonthI want to express my gratitude to the Last Door for showing me a new way to live! After four and a half years of recovery, I have a fantastic life! I recently received the Competitive Boys Coach of the Year Award at Port Moody Soccer Club. By applying spiritual principles to my coaching, it was also the third year in a row that the teams I coach received awards for competitive and successful play. Today I get to be a positive role model in the lives of my own boys and many young players who are passionate about the beautiful game. Today, my life is happily fulfilling, as my sponsor jokes, the problems I now have are, “how to manage my ego and the abundances” I am blessed to now have in my life. As Dave always says, “Cadillac problems”!!
This wasn’t at all conceivable four and half years ago when I first met Bossman, who while touring me through the house, talked about ‘giving myself a chance at life”. Blair knew I had been battling all my life against addiction…by myself, and that I obviously wasn’t winning. It was during that conversation, with a man I had never met, but who knew me so well, that I decided that I needed to do something different…get help! Blair talked about surrendering and humility, so I could get help from addicts who had learned how to stay clean and who obviously had happier lives than the miserable existence I had. The pain of staying the same had finally grown far more horrific than taking a chance on “recovery”. I entered the Door on December 23rd, 2008, and I have been clean ever since.
At the Last Door I became part of a recovery community that has helped me become a person I am pretty happy being. Words don’t really seem to do justice to the journey I have experienced into becoming finally “good with myself”. What I can say is that I now really enjoy the pathway of life rather than focusing on the destination, and that’s because I have been shown a solution that gives me the tools to not only survive life but for the first time in my life, thrive. I needed the Last Door to keep me safe and show me the way to NA, the truth is it wouldn’t have worked any other way…..
My family and I will always be grateful for the gift of recovery that I have received from the Last Door, and the only way I can pay it back is to pay it forward by giving back….
With all my heart…I thank you.