Alumni of the Month Todd W
Alumni of the MonthBefore Last Door…..
My Addiction had me by the throat, my thinking was distorted and the values and beliefs my family instilled in me were a distant memory, replaced by a loyalty to a disease that almost cost me my life. I won’t bother talking about how bad it was because if you are reading my reflections you already know….
People who look on Last Door’s website do so because someone told them, if you really want to get clean, go to Last Door….
As I look back for me the most important aspect of my recovery has been Merry and I raising our two daughters and to truly reflect the impact Last Door has had on me, I leave you with their words in regards to what me being clean has meant through their eyes….
Morgan AKA Mo – Age 12
What “clean” means to me, “My dad, Todd, is an incredible and loving father, but if it wasn’t for the support from Last Door and the 12 step community that he received I don’t know where I’d be today. The 12 step community has changed my father’s life. He got clean 4 years before I was born. If he hadn’t, he probably wouldn’t have met my mom who was getting clean at the same time. I have a wonderful life and I’m glad my dad is who he is today. My step-mom, Merry, is also in the program and so is my step-dad, Michel. My family has been tremendously impacted by the power of the 12 step community. My love for my father has grown over the years and thanks to the 12 step community that’s possible. My dad is now inspiring and helping other people in need.” Mo
Angela AKA Pooky – Age 21
“I’ve known Todd almost my entire life and I have seen how passionate he is about the program. When I was younger I didn’t quite understand why my parents went to meetings and were involved so heavily in giving back. As I got older I learned to appreciate and respect them for all that they do, because my life would not be the same if my parents were still locked in their addiction. I have gotten to where I am today because my parents are clean and they support everything I do. When I look at Todd I see how strong in mind and in spirit he is, and I admire him for that. He is so special to me and I am incredibly proud that he is 16 years clean. He’s my role model, Thank you Todd.” Pooky
Last Door will always be my home, it will always be the place I refer to when asked where I grew up. To say I’m grateful is an understatement…
I thank Last Door for the years they have invested in me, all the past and present staff for the years of dedication, commitment and vision to help the new guy…