Alumni of the Month Kenny S
Alumni of the MonthI was living on the street of Vancouver in the downtown eastside. I spent most of my days in and out of jail and the psych ward. Society had pretty much given up on me and the only solution was to lock me up and medicate me. It had gotten to the point that not even my mother could do anything for me anymore and for her safety she stayed away from me. I thought I was going to die a junkie.
I had given up all sense of hope, luckily I stated showing up at 12 step meetings in New Westminster and once again had a sense of being cared about. Showing willingness I was able to get back into the Last Door and for the first time in years almost immediately I had a sense of belonging.
Here at the Last Door I was able to not only acquire the tools to better my life from active addiction but also I was introduced to a group of men that became my best friends, my support group.
Today I am coming up to three years clean, a “miracle” looking back at where I came from. My life has never been better. I am now a student studying in College with honours. I have a loving relationship with my family. I am no longer dependant on any medication and live life where my dreams are coming true, I am free from addiction!
The Last Door has done for me what I and many others never thought possible. Thank you Last Door and keep up the good work in saving lives.
Clean Date May 31 2007