Alumni of the Month Derek A
Alumni of the MonthMy life before I came to the Last Door was hell, from the time I was 16 I started abusing pain killers and I became fully dependent on them by the time I graduated high school. My addiction to the drug took place of all my principals and virtues that were in my life and robbed me of my many hobbies and trips that I wanted to take part in, I couldn’t risk investing in them because my fear of withdrawals was too strong.
The last 90 days of my addiction had the biggest impact on my life and included stealing a large sum of money from my parents and crashing my car while drunk. It was a blessing in disguise because that’s what landed me in a treatment centre.
My time at the Last Door changed my life in a way I couldn’t believe. Although I was stubborn as a doorknob I figured most addicts coming into a treatment centre wouldn’t be the sharpest tool in the shed so thanks to my case worker, clients and all the staff never losing energy in me, i was able to learn how to live clean. I was taught ways to stay clean and to apply spiritual principals in my life as well as the steps to which would evidently keep me clean.
Life now is much better than I expected; the Last Door staff helped me build a foundation for a new life, they helped me find a place to live and how to hold a job down. Before I was clean I couldn’t last a full week without calling in sick to work; now I’ve proven my work ethic to my employer and I am now a licensed apprentice and about to get enrolled into school.
I have more energy and self-esteem than I have ever had while I was using, and i can enjoy going to concerts without feeling the need to get high or drunk only because the way my life makes me feel now is a high that no drug can amount to. I’d like to thank everyone at Last Door and NA for taking part in saving my life and hope to see everyone soon.
Sincerely the most handsome man in Vancouver
Derek A