Addicted to Pain Killers
Talk Recovery RadioTalk Recovery Radio airs every Thursday on 100.5 fm in Vancouver from 12 pm to 1 pm, hundreds of shows over 6 years. Bringing addiction recovery issues to the airways. Powered by Last Door Recovery Society
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Dr. Mell Pohl – Pain Medication Addiction Recovery
Guest Dr. Mel Pohl speaks with Talk Recovery Radio about reducing chronic pain without the use of painkillers
Chronic pain is not a life sentence- If you are one of the 100 million people who suffer from chronic pain, you may be feeling hopeless and helpless, relying on endless medications that don’t work, feeling worse and worse. But there is hope—and help. The innovative program at the acclaimed Las Vegas Recovery Center, at which Dr. Mel Pohl is Medical Director, has helped thousands of sufferers to reduce chronic pain without the use of painkillers. The Pain Antidote shares this program’s concrete tools and strategies, offering:
-Cutting-edge research on how pain affects your brain
-How your emotions affect your experience of pain
-A comprehensive program, including a four-week Jump Start plan
-Pain-reducing gentle exercises and health-supporting foods
And much more.
Buy the book on Amazon or visit
Archive of all shows can be found here
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Talk Recovery airs live every Thursday at noon on 100.5 FM, Vancouver Coop Radio. The Last Door produces this weekly radio show discussing the many pathways to addiction recovery. To end stigma we must continue to talk about recovery. Talk Recovery is in its 7th Season, Hundreds of guests, thousands of listeners, thank you. Show ideas? Email
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